Saturday, June 5, 2010

District Mine

An honorable ode to youth and reckless irresponsibility has never been written or created with a full heart and open mind so it’s my intention to do so. They tell to stop and live slow; I challenge that with the assertion that that there is simply no time for rest or for sleep or for patience. There are few things more certain than the fact that I will rest when I’m dead and probably for a while after that. Advice is offered from elders based upon past experiences, but the fact remains that these experiences are from times far from the here and now. How can anyone who’s never bought a round of bourbon shots for their closest friends ever testify to the utility of a night of heavy drinking? How could someone who’s never felt dozens of firsts with dozens of girls ever speak on the absolutes of monogamy and marriage? How can anyone who has never felt true passion about something ever question the motives behind a punch thrown in defense of friendship or honor? Behaviors are a symptom of the indecision in the best way I can imagine. The predictability of the impulsiveness of the night is comforting to all rebelling against the inevitable.
We get ready and we go out. We get ready and we go out. We get ready and we go out. We trek into the District. Not because we’re drunks or whores or assholes but because we are everything and nothing. To label a person deep in exploration is to denigrate the entire period or endeavor to something that can be locked in a word and sealed away.  There is pride to be found in a work in progress; a half baked cake or a partially constructed engine. To look at such a thing is to learn more about it in that moment than possible after completion.
If to live is to walk, talk, taste, and feel all that life has to offer then to live is all I’ve ever wanted. It begins as a process or a plan. You assemble a group of friends and go where the night takes you.  A better formula has never been put together.  Everyone has an idea of what they believe their purpose is here on Earth. I actually have no idea. Like none at all, short of living. My understanding of the state of affairs up until this point is that I am obligated to live each day like no other ones are promised to me. So I do. We build relationships and memories. We tear down roadblocks and hesitation. We cautiously ration are time and resources for another day or pursuit.  As an ode to the night and youth in transition, this functions as a glorification of days that are destined to end, by my design or something else’s. Conversely, as a promise, this functions as a guarantee that I will not let these days or the people that fill them slip away without a fight.